About development: working in cycles

We are being overwhelmed with all sorts of feedback since we announced the game Thursday 20th of April 2017! As we're figuring out what to do next, we want to let you know how we process your feedback.

Since David is working from Berlin and Emiel is working from Haarlem, communication has been well organised and occurs very often. We decide the main focus for a development cycle of 1-2 weeks and our end-goal is always an improved playable build of the game. We will continue to do so.  Each cycle or 'sprint' has an internal name (the first public version is called 'Alan') and an associated focus.

We will update this blog and tell you exactly what we're focussing on in the current sprint and we'll provide a list once a new version of the game goes live on what we fixed/improved/added.

So please bookmark this blog if you'd like to learn more. In the mean time please keep sending your feedback, (hello [at] stillheregame [dot] com) it means a lot to us!

We wish you a happy time playing the first version of Still Here and all of its future updates!

David Smit
Emiel Kampen


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